M/S Control & System has been serving the people of this country since the advent of the last decade. Our team of experts are highly proficient to carry out their work as per our customer’s demands and requirements. We understand that the value-addition comes with customization. So, we are ready to modify as per your needs. What makes us tell you that the services and products we offer is one of the best is because we make them by complying with all regulations and industry standards.
Repairs which are necessary, as a result of emergencies.
rewiring a house is required and the cost to rewire a house.
A Servo Stabilizer is a Servo motor controlled stabilization system that performs optimum voltage supply..
An electrical panel is a metal box with a door, usually built into a wall in an out-of-the-way corner of your home.
It is very widely used for stepping up and stepping down the voltage at the electrical power.
The operating of closing and opening of carrying associate arc interruption and contacts happen in a vacuum chamber.
Our business takes pride in giving Servo Voltage Stabilizer, Control Panel, Power Transformer, Transformers Repairing & Maintenance Services, Voltage Stabilizers Repairing Services, Power Factor Panel etc of superior quality at very affordable charges.
Prompt delivery
Wider range
Ethical and transparent business policy
Experience team
Competitive price
we're here to help and answer any question you might have. we look forward to hearing from you.